Residential or industrial indoor / outdoor electrical installations with a rated voltage of 0.4 kV

Cu o experienţă de peste 20 de ani, firma Bluel vă oferă servicii de execuţie în domeniul electric la cel mai înalt standard de calitate şi dintre cele mai diverse servicii – instalaţii de iluminat şi forţă, instalaţii de curenţi slabi (instalaţii de date, telefonie, televiziune, detecţie şi semnalizare fum), defrosting installations, earthing and lightning protection, gate automation.

For the industrial service package, we have also introduced for our customers the compressed air installation - seamless aluminum system, TESEO.

The quality of the services offered, the promptness, and the seriousness of our team over time, led to the return of our customers with confidence whenever they needed electrical works.

Electrical installations - Residential / Pensions / Hotels

Electrical installations - Showrooms / Exhibition spaces

Electrical installations - Industrial/Factories/Halls/Warehouses